Our Funds
Mutual Funds Schemes
Mirae Asset Balanced Advantage Fund
(An open ended dynamic asset allocation fund)
Equity Fund
Equity Funds endeavor to provide potential for high growth and returns. They are best suited for investors with a long term investment horizon.
EQUITY FUNDMirae Asset Large Cap Fund
(Large Cap Fund - An open ended equity scheme predominantly investing across large cap stocks)
Goal Wealth Creation
BenchmarkNifty 100 TRI
Risk Aggressive
NAV as on 13 Mar 202599.1280
Ideal Time Horizon: 3+ Years
EQUITY FUNDMirae Asset ELSS Tax Saver Fund
(ELSS - An open ended equity linked saving scheme with a statutory lock in of 3 years and tax benefit)
Goal Tax Saving
BenchmarkTier 1 : NIFTY 500, Tier 2 : Nifty 200 (TRI)
Risk Aggressive
NAV as on 13 Mar 202542.0570
Ideal Time Horizon: 3+ Years
EQUITY FUNDMirae Asset Focused Fund
(Focused Fund - An open ended equity scheme investing in a maximum of 30 stocks intending to focus in Large Cap, Mid Cap & Small Cap category (i.e., Multi-Cap))
Goal Wealth Creation
BenchmarkTier 1 : NIFTY 500, Tier 2 : Nifty 200 (TRI)
Risk Aggressive
NAV as on 13 Mar 202522.1230
Ideal Time Horizon: 3-5 Years
EQUITY FUNDMirae Asset Large and Midcap Fund
(Large & Mid Cap Fund - An open-ended equity scheme investing in both large cap and mid cap stocks)
Goal Wealth Creation
BenchmarkNifty Large Midcap 250 (TRI)
Risk Aggressive
NAV as on 13 Mar 2025128.0180
Ideal Time Horizon: 3+ Years
EQUITY FUNDMirae Asset Great Consumer Fund
(Sectoral/Thematic Fund - An open ended equity scheme following consumption theme)
Goal Wealth Creation
BenchmarkNifty India Consumption (TRI)
Risk Aggressive
NAV as on 13 Mar 202580.2910
Ideal Time Horizon: 5+ Years
EQUITY FUNDMirae Asset Healthcare Fund
(Sectoral/Thematic Fund - An open ended equity scheme investing in healthcare and allied sectors)
Goal Wealth Creation
BenchmarkBSE Healthcare Index (TRI)
Risk Aggressive
NAV as on 13 Mar 202534.5500
Ideal Time Horizon: 5+ Years
EQUITY FUNDMirae Asset Midcap Fund
(Midcap Fund - An open ended equity scheme predominantly investing in mid cap stocks)
Goal Wealth Creation
BenchmarkTier 1 : NIFTY Midcap 150
Risk Aggressive
NAV as on 13 Mar 202529.4300
Ideal Time Horizon: 3-5 Years
EQUITY FUNDMirae Asset Banking and Financial Services Fund
(An open-ended scheme replicating/tracking Nifty500 Multicap 50:25:25 Total Return Index)(NSE:MULTICAP BSE:544241)
Goal Wealth Creation
BenchmarkNifty Financial Services Index (TRI)
Risk Aggressive
NAV as on 13 Mar 202517.4010
Ideal Time Horizon: 5+ Years
EQUITY FUNDMirae Asset Flexi Cap Fund
(An open-ended dynamic equity scheme investing across large cap, mid cap, small cap stocks)
Goal Wealth Creation
BenchmarkNifty 500 TRI
Risk Aggressive
NAV as on 13 Mar 202513.5420
Ideal Time Horizon: 3+ Years
EQUITY FUNDMirae Asset Multicap Fund
(Multi Cap - An open-ended equity scheme investing across large cap, mid cap and small cap stocks)
Goal Wealth Creation
BenchmarkNIFTY 500 Multicap 50:25:25 TRI
Risk Aggressive
NAV as on 13 Mar 202512.0400
Ideal Time Horizon: 3+years
EQUITY FUNDMirae Asset Smallcap Fund
(An open ended equity scheme predominantly investing in small cap stocks)
Goal Wealth Creation
BenchmarkNifty Small Cap 250 Total Return Index
Risk Aggressive
NAV as on 13 Mar 20259.3230
Ideal Time Horizon: 5+ Years
Hybrid Fund
Hybrid funds invest across two or more asset classes (usually a mix of stocks and bonds). These funds aspire to strike a balance between risk and returns by aiming to generate income in the short-run and achieve wealth-appreciation in the long-run.
HYBRID FUNDMirae Asset Aggressive Hybrid Fund
(Aggressive Hybrid Fund - An open-ended hybrid scheme investing predominantly in equity and equity related instruments)
Goal Wealth Creation
BenchmarkCRISIL Hybrid 35+65 Aggressive Index
Risk Moderate
NAV as on 13 Mar 202528.6350
Ideal Time Horizon: 3+ Years
HYBRID FUNDMirae Asset Equity Savings Fund
(An open ended scheme investing in equity, arbitrage and debt)
Goal Income
BenchmarkNifty Equity Savings Index
Risk Moderate
NAV as on 13 Mar 202518.6940
Ideal Time Horizon: 1-3 Years
HYBRID FUNDMirae Asset Arbitrage Fund
(An open ended scheme investing in arbitrage opportunities)
Goal Income
BenchmarkNIFTY 50 Arbitrage Index
Risk Moderate
NAV as on 13 Mar 202512.7950
HYBRID FUNDMirae Asset Balanced Advantage Fund
(An open ended dynamic asset allocation fund)
Goal Income
BenchmarkNifty 50 Hybrid Composite Debt 50:50 Index
Risk Aggressive
NAV as on 13 Mar 202512.8840
HYBRID FUNDMirae Asset Multi Asset Allocation Fund
(An open-ended scheme investing in equity, debt & money market instruments, Gold ETFs, Silver ETFs and exchange traded commodity derivatives)
Goal Wealth Creation
BenchmarkBSE 200 TRI, NIFTY Short Duration Debt Index, Domestic Price of Gold, Domestic Price of Silver
Risk Aggressive
NAV as on 13 Mar 202510.9380
Ideal Time Horizon: 3+ Years
Fixed Income
Fixed Income or Debt Funds endeavor to provide potential for stable and regular returns. They are best suited for investors with a short to medium term investment horizon.
FIXED INCOMEMirae Asset Liquid Fund
((Liquid Fund - An open ended liquid scheme) A relatively low interest rate risk and moderate credit risk)
Goal Savings
BenchmarkNifty Liquid Index A-I
Risk Conservative
NAV as on 14 Mar 20252682.4357
Ideal Time Horizon: 1 Day - 6 Months
FIXED INCOMEMirae Asset Ultra Short Duration Fund
(An Open ended ultra-short term debt scheme investing in instruments such that the Macaulay duration* of the portfolio is between 3 months to 6 months (*please refer to page no.35 of SID). A relatively low interest rate risk and moderate credit risk.)
Goal Savings
BenchmarkNifty Ultra Short Duration Debt Index A-I
Risk Moderate
NAV as on 13 Mar 20251276.4835
Ideal Time Horizon: 3-6 months
FIXED INCOMEMirae Asset Corporate Bond Fund
(An open ended debt scheme predominantly investing in AA+ and above rated corporate bonds. A relatively high interest rate risk and moderate credit risk.)
Goal Wealth Creation
BenchmarkCRISIL Corporate Debt A-II Index
Risk Moderate
NAV as on 13 Mar 202512.3625
Ideal Time Horizon: 3+ Years
FIXED INCOMEMirae Asset Low Duration Fund
(Low Duration Fund - An Open ended low duration Debt Scheme investing in instruments with Macaulay duration of the portfolio between 6 months and 12 months (please refer to page no. 37 of SID) A moderate interest rate risk and moderate credit risk)
Goal Savings
BenchmarkNifty Low Duration Debt Index A-I
Risk Conservative
NAV as on 13 Mar 20252201.5513
Ideal Time Horizon: 6-12 Months
FIXED INCOMEMirae Asset Overnight Fund
(An open ended debt scheme investing in overnight securities. A relatively low interest rate risk and relatively low credit risk.)
Goal Savings
BenchmarkNIFTY 1D Rate Index
Risk Conservative
NAV as on 14 Mar 20251298.7976
FIXED INCOMEMirae Asset Banking and PSU Fund
(Banking and PSU Fund - An open ended debt scheme predominantly investing in debt instruments of banks, Public Sector Undertakings, Public Financial Institutions and Municipal Bonds) A relatively high interest rate risk and moderate credit risk)
Goal Wealth Creation
BenchmarkCRISIL Banking and PSU Debt A-II Index
Risk Moderate
NAV as on 13 Mar 202512.5562
Ideal Time Horizon: 1+ years
FIXED INCOMEMirae Asset Short Duration Fund
(An open ended short term debt scheme investing in instruments such that the Macaulay duration* of the portfolio is between 1 year to 3 years (please refer to page no. 35 of SID) A relatively high interest rate risk and moderate credit risk)
Goal Income
BenchmarkCRISIL Short Duration Debt A-II Index
Risk Moderate
NAV as on 13 Mar 202515.2692
Ideal Time Horizon: 1-3 Years
FIXED INCOMEMirae Asset Dynamic Bond Fund
(An Open-ended dynamic debt scheme investing across duration. A relatively high interest rate risk and relatively high credit risk.)
Goal Income
BenchmarkCRISIL Dynamic Bond A-III Index
Risk Moderate
NAV as on 13 Mar 202515.7120
Ideal Time Horizon: 3+ Years
FIXED INCOMEMirae Asset Money Market Fund
(An Open ended debt scheme investing in money market instruments. A relatively low interest rate risk and moderate credit risk.)
Goal Savings
BenchmarkNifty Money Market Index A-I
Risk Moderate
NAV as on 13 Mar 20251228.6775
Ideal Time Horizon: 1years
FIXED INCOMEMirae Asset Long Duration Fund
Mirae Asset Long Duration Fund
Goal Wealth Creation
BenchmarkIdeal Time Horizon: 7+ Years
Risk Aggressive
NAV as on 13 Mar 202510.1306
Ideal Time Horizon: 7+ Years
An Exchange Traded Fund (ETF) is a fund that trades on an exchange, just like a stock and replicate the portfolio and performance of a publically available Index. ETFs offer low expense investment solution.
ETFMirae Asset Nifty 50 ETF
(An open ended scheme replicating/tracking Nifty 50 Index) (NSE: NIFTYETF BSE:542131)
Goal Wealth Creation
BenchmarkNifty 50 TRI (Total Return Index)
Risk Aggressive
NAV as on 13 Mar 2025239.4098
ETFMirae Asset Nifty Next 50 ETF
(An open ended scheme replicating/tracking Nifty Next 50 Total Return Index) (NSE: NEXT50 BSE:542922)
Goal Wealth Creation
BenchmarkNifty Next 50 TRI
Risk Aggressive
NAV as on 13 Mar 2025601.1498
ETFMirae Asset Nifty Financial Services ETF
(An open-ended scheme replicating/tracking Nifty Financial Services Total Return Index) (NSE: BFSI BSE:543323)
Goal Wealth Creation
BenchmarkNifty Financial Services ETF
Risk Moderate
NAV as on 13 Mar 202523.8655
Ideal Time Horizon: 5years
ETFMirae Asset Nifty 100 ESG Sector Leaders ETF
(Exchange Traded Fund (ETF) - An open ended scheme replicating/ tracking Nifty 100 ESG Sector Leaders Total Return Index) (NSE: ESG BSE:543246)
Goal Wealth Creation
BenchmarkNIFTY100 ESG Sector Leaders Index (TRI index)
Risk Moderate
NAV as on 13 Mar 202537.6651
ETFMirae Asset Nifty India Manufacturing ETF
(An open-ended scheme replicating/tracking Nifty India Manufacturing Total Return Index) (NSE: MAKEINDIA BSE:543454)
Goal Wealth Creation
BenchmarkNifty India Manufacturing Index (Total Return Index) (INR)
Risk Aggressive
NAV as on 13 Mar 2025127.4531
Ideal Time Horizon: 3+years
ETFMirae Asset Nifty Midcap 150 ETF
(An open-ended scheme replicating/tracking Nifty Midcap 150 Total Return Index) (NSE: MIDCAPETF BSE:543481)
Goal Wealth Creation
BenchmarkNifty Midcap 150 Index (Total Return Index) (INR)
Risk Aggressive
NAV as on 13 Mar 202518.1517
Ideal Time Horizon: 3years
ETFMirae Asset Nifty 100 Low Volatility 30 ETF
(An open ended scheme replicating/tracking Nifty 100 Low Volatility 30 Total Return Index) (NSE: LOWVOL BSE:543858)
Goal Wealth Creation
BenchmarkNifty 100 Low Volatility 30 TRI (Total Return Index)
Risk Aggressive
NAV as on 13 Mar 2025182.5130
Ideal Time Horizon: 91 Days
ETFMirae Asset S and P 500 Top 50 ETF
(An open ended scheme replicating/tracking S&P 500 Top 50 Total Return Index) (NSE: MASPTOP50 BSE:543365)
Goal Wealth Creation
BenchmarkS&P 500 Top 50 TRI (Total Return Index) (INR)
Risk Aggressive
NAV as on 13 Mar 202544.5666
Ideal Time Horizon: 3years
ETFMirae Asset Hang Seng TECH ETF
(An open ended scheme replicating/tracking Hang Seng TECH Total Return Index(INR)) (NSE: MAHKTECH BSE:543414)
Goal Wealth Creation
BenchmarkHang Seng TECH TRI (Total Return Index) (INR)
Risk Aggressive
NAV as on 13 Mar 202521.4476
Ideal Time Horizon: 3years
ETFMirae Asset Gold ETF
(An open-ended scheme replicating/tracking Domestic Price of Gold) (NSE:MAGOLDETF BSE:543781)
Goal Wealth Creation
BenchmarkDomestic Price of Physical Gold
Risk Aggressive
NAV as on 13 Mar 202585.0486
Ideal Time Horizon: 3+ Years
(An open-ended scheme replicating/tracking NYSE FANG+ Total Return Index) (NSE: MAFANG BSE:543291)
Goal Wealth Creation
BenchmarkNYSE FANG PLUS Index (INR)
Risk Aggressive
NAV as on 13 Mar 2025100.3370
Ideal Time Horizon: 3+years
ETFMirae Asset Nifty 8 13 Yr G SEC ETF
(An Open-Ended Index Exchange Traded Fund tracking Nifty 8-13 yr G-Sec Index. Relatively High interest rate risk and Relatively Low Credit Risk) (NSE: GSEC10YEAR BSE:543875)
Goal Wealth Creation
BenchmarkNifty 8-13 yr G-Sec Index
Risk Aggressive
NAV as on 13 Mar 202528.0400
Ideal Time Horizon: 3+ years
ETFMirae Asset Silver ETF
(An open-ended scheme replicating/tracking Domestic Price of Silver)(NSE: SILVRETF BSE:543922)
Goal Wealth Creation
BenchmarkDomestic Price of Physical Silver
Risk Aggressive
NAV as on 13 Mar 202596.7431
Ideal Time Horizon: 3+years
ETFMirae Asset Nifty Bank ETF
(An open-ended scheme replicating/tracking Nifty Bank Total Return Index)(NSE:BANKETF BSE:543944)
Goal Wealth Creation
BenchmarkNifty Bank Index (TRI)
Risk Aggressive
NAV as on 13 Mar 2025484.3863
Ideal Time Horizon: 3+years
ETFMirae Asset Nifty 1D Rate Liquid ETF-IDCW
(An open-ended listed liquid scheme in the form of an Exchange Traded Fund tracking Nifty 1D Rate Index, with daily Income Distribution cum capital withdrawal (IDCW) and compulsory Reinvestment of IDCW option. A relatively low interest rate risk and relatively low credit risk) (NSE:LIQUID BSE:543946)
Goal Wealth Creation
BenchmarkNifty 1D Rate Index
Risk Low
NAV as on 25 Dec 20231000.0000
Ideal Time Horizon: 1 Day to 1 Week
ETFMirae Asset S P BSE Sensex ETF
(An open-ended scheme replicating/tracking BSE Sensex Total Return Index)(NSE:SENSEXETF BSE:543999)
Goal Wealth Creation
BenchmarkReplicates BSE Sensex TRI
Risk Aggressive
NAV as on 13 Mar 202574.8828
Ideal Time Horizon: 3+ Years
ETFMirae Asset Nifty 200 Alpha 30 ETF
(An open ended scheme replicating/tracking Nifty 200 Alpha 30 Total Return Index ) (NSE: ALPHAETF BSE:544007)
Goal Wealth Creation
BenchmarkNifty 200 Alpha 30 TRI (Total Return Index)
Risk Aggressive
NAV as on 13 Mar 202520.8935
Ideal Time Horizon: 3+ Years
ETFMirae Asset Nifty IT ETF
(An open-ended scheme replicating/tracking Nifty IT Total Return Index) (NSE: ITETF BSE:544006)
Goal Wealth Creation
BenchmarkNifty IT TRI (Total Return Index)
NAV as on 13 Mar 202537.1365
Ideal Time Horizon: 3+ Years
ETFMirae Asset Nifty Smallcap 250 Momentum Quality 100 ETF
(An open-ended scheme replicating/tracking Nifty Smallcap 250 Momentum Quality 100 Total Return Index)(NSE:SMALLCAP BSE:544130)
Goal Wealth Creation
BenchmarkNifty Smallcap 250 Momentum Quality 100 TRI (Total Return Index)
Risk Aggressive
NAV as on 13 Mar 202539.1990
Ideal Time Horizon: 3+ Years
ETFMirae Asset Nifty MidSmallcap400 Momentum Quality 100 ETF
(An open ended scheme replicating/tracking Nifty Midsmallcap400 Momentum Quality 100 Total Return Index)(NSE:MIDSMALL BSE:544180)
Goal Wealth Creation
BenchmarkNifty Midsmallcap400 Momentum Quality 100 Total Return Index
Risk Aggressive
NAV as on 13 Mar 202541.0981
Ideal Time Horizon: 3+ Years
ETFMirae Asset Nifty EV and New Age Automotive ETF
(An open ended scheme replicating/tracking Nifty EV and New Age Automotive Total Return Index)(NSE:EVINDIA BSE:544212)
Goal Wealth Creation
BenchmarkNifty EV and New Age Automotive Total Return Index
Risk Aggressive
NAV as on 13 Mar 202525.7312
Ideal Time Horizon: 5+ Years
ETFMirae Asset Nifty500 Multicap 50 25 25 ETF
(An open-ended scheme replicating/tracking Nifty500 Multicap 50:25:25 Total Return Index)(NSE:MULTICAP BSE:544241)
Goal Wealth Creation
BenchmarkNifty500 Multicap 50:25:25 Total Return Index
Risk Aggressive
NAV as on 13 Mar 202513.8536
Ideal Time Horizon: 5+ Years
ETFMirae Asset Nifty Metal ETF
(An open-ended scheme replicating/tracking Nifty Metal Total Return Index) (NSE: METAL BSE: 544268)
Goal Wealth Creation
BenchmarkNifty Metal TRI (Total Return Index)
Risk Aggressive
NAV as on 13 Mar 20258.7880
Ideal Time Horizon: 5+ Years
ETFMirae Asset Nifty PSU Bank ETF
(An open-ended scheme replicating/tracking Nifty PSU Bank Total Return Index) (NSE: BANKPSU BSE: 544266)
Goal Wealth Creation
BenchmarkPhysical replication of Nifty PSU Bank Index
Risk Aggressive
NAV as on 13 Mar 202557.7796
Ideal Time Horizon: 5+ Years
ETFMirae Asset Nifty 1D Rate Liquid ETF-Growth
(An open-ended listed liquid scheme in the form of an Exchange Traded Fund tracking Nifty 1D Rate Index, with growth option. A relatively low interest rate risk and relatively low credit risk)(NSE:LIQUIDPLUS BSE:544284)
Goal Wealth Creation
BenchmarkNifty 1D Rate Index
Risk Aggressive
NAV as on 14 Mar 20251022.1852
Ideal Time Horizon: 5+ Years
ETFMirae Asset Nifty India New Age Consumption ETF
(An open-ended scheme replicating/tracking Nifty India New Age Consumption Total Return Index)
Goal Wealth Creation
BenchmarkNifty India New Age Consumption (TRI)
Risk Aggressive
NAV as on 13 Mar 20259.9528
Ideal Time Horizon: 3+ Years
ETFMirae Asset BSE Select IPO ETF
(An open-ended scheme replicating/tracking BSE Select IPO Total Return Index)
Goal Wealth Creation
BenchmarkBSE Select IPO Total Return Index
Risk Aggressive
NAV as on 13 Mar 202539.0543
Ideal Time Horizon: 3+ Years
ETFMirae Asset BSE 200 Equal Weight ETF
(An open-ended scheme replicating/tracking BSE 200 Equal Weight Total Return Index)
Goal Wealth Creation
BenchmarkBSE 200 Equal Weight Total Return Index
Risk Aggressive
NAV as on 13 Mar 202511.2503
Ideal Time Horizon: 3+ Years
Fund of Funds
An Exchange Traded Fund (FoF) is a fund that trades on an exchange, just like a stock and replicate the portfolio and performance of a publically available Index. FoF offer low expense investment solution.
FUND OF FUNDSMirae Asset Equity Allocator Fund of Fund
(An open ended fund of fund scheme predominantly investing in units of domestic equity ETFs)
Goal Wealth Creation
BenchmarkNIFTY 200 Index (TRI)
Risk Aggressive
NAV as on 13 Mar 202521.7840
Ideal Time Horizon: 3+ years
FUND OF FUNDSMirae Asset Nifty 100 ESG Sector Leaders Fund of Fund
(Fund of Fund - Domestic (FOF) - An open ended fund of fund scheme predominantly investing in Mirae Asset Nifty 100 ESG Sector Leaders ETF)
Goal Wealth Creation
BenchmarkNIFTY100 ESG Sector Leaders Index (TRI index)
Risk Moderate
NAV as on 13 Mar 202516.4410
(An Open-ended fund of fund scheme predominantly investing in Mirae Asset NYSE FANG+ ETF)
Goal Wealth Creation
BenchmarkNYSE FANG PLUS Index (INR)
Risk Aggressive
NAV as on 13 Mar 202523.9420
Ideal Time Horizon:3+ Years
FUND OF FUNDSMirae Asset S and P 500 Top 50 ETF Fund of Fund
(An open ended fund of fund scheme predominantly investing in Mirae Asset S&P 500 Top 50 ETF)
Goal Wealth Creation
BenchmarkS&P 500 Top 50 TRI (Total Return Index) (INR)
Risk Aggressive
NAV as on 13 Mar 202516.3760
Ideal Time Horizon: 3years
FUND OF FUNDSMirae Asset Hang Seng TECH ETF Fund of Fund
(An open ended fund of fund scheme predominantly investing in Mirae Asset Hang Seng TECH ETF)
Goal Wealth Creation
BenchmarkHang Seng TECH TRI (Total Return Index) (INR)
Risk Aggressive
NAV as on 13 Mar 202512.7950
Ideal Time Horizon: 3years
FUND OF FUNDSMirae Asset Nifty India Manufacturing ETF Fund of Fund
(An open-ended fund of fund scheme predominantly investing in Mirae Asset Nifty India Manufacturing ETF)
Goal Wealth Creation
BenchmarkNifty India Manufacturing TRI (Total Return Index)
Risk Aggressive
NAV as on 13 Mar 202515.7890
Ideal Time Horizon: 3+years
FUND OF FUNDSMirae Asset Global Electric and Autonomous Vehicles ETFs Fund of Fund
(An open-ended fund of fund scheme investing in overseas equity Exchange Traded Funds which are based on companies involved in development of Electric & Autonomous Vehicles and related technology, components and materials)
Goal Income
BenchmarkSolactive Autonomous & Electric Vehicles Indxx (TRI) (INR)
Risk Aggressive
NAV as on 13 Mar 20259.7460
FUND OF FUNDSMirae Asset Global X Artificial Intelligence and Technology ETF Fund of Fund
(An open ended fund of fund scheme investing in units of Global X Artificial Intelligence & Technology ETF.)
Goal Income
BenchmarkIndxx Artificial Intelligence & Big Data Indxx (TRI) (INR)
Risk Aggressive
NAV as on 13 Mar 202518.6980
FUND OF FUNDSMirae Asset Nifty Smallcap 250 Momentum Quality 100 ETF Fund of Fund
(An open-ended fund of fund scheme investing in units of Mirae Asset Nifty Smallcap 250 Momentum Quality 100 ETF)
Goal Wealth Creation
BenchmarkNifty Smallcap 250 Momentum Quality 100 TRI (Total Return Index)
Risk Aggressive
NAV as on 13 Mar 20258.6920
Ideal Time Horizon: 3+ Years
FUND OF FUNDSMirae Asset Nifty MidSmallcap400 Momentum Quality 100 ETF Fund of Fund
(An open-ended fund of fund scheme investing in units of Mirae Asset Nifty MidSmallcap400 Momentum Quality 100 ETF )
Goal Wealth Creation
BenchmarkNifty MidSmallcap400 Momentum Quality 100 TRI (Total Return Index)
Risk Aggressive
NAV as on 13 Mar 20258.3000
Ideal Time Horizon: 3+ Years
FUND OF FUNDSMirae Asset Nifty200 Alpha 30 ETF Fund of Fund
(An open-ended fund of fund scheme investing in units of Mirae Asset Nifty200 Alpha 30 ETF)
Goal Wealth Creation
BenchmarkNifty200 Alpha 30 TRI (Total Return Index)
Risk Aggressive
NAV as on 13 Mar 20257.3280
Ideal Time Horizon: 5+ Years
FUND OF FUNDSMirae Asset Gold ETF Fund of Fund
(An open-ended Fund of Fund scheme investing in Mirae Asset Gold ETF)
Goal Wealth Creation
BenchmarkDomestic price of physical Gold
Risk Aggressive
NAV as on 15 Oct 20240.0000
Recommended Investment Horizon:3+ Years
FUND OF FUNDSMirae Asset Nifty India New Age Consumption ETF Fund of Fund
(An open-ended fund of fund scheme investing in units of Mirae Asset Nifty New Age Consumption ETF)
Goal Wealth Creation
BenchmarkNifty India New Age Consumption (TRI)
Risk Aggressive
NAV as on 13 Mar 20258.2310
Recommended Investment Horizon:3+ Years
FUND OF FUNDSMirae Asset BSE Select IPO ETF Fund of Fund
(An open-ended fund of fund scheme investing in units of Mirae Asset BSE Select IPO ETF)
Goal Wealth Creation
BenchmarkBSE Select IPO Total Return Index
Risk Aggressive
NAV as on 24 Feb 20250.0000
Ideal Time Horizon: 3+ Years
FUND OF FUNDSMirae Asset BSE 200 Equal Weight ETF Fund of Fund
(An open-ended fund of fund scheme investing in units of Mirae Asset BSE 200 Equal Weight ETF)
Goal Wealth Creation
BenchmarkBSE 200 Equal Weight Total Return Index
Risk Aggressive
NAV as on 24 Feb 20250.0000
Ideal Time Horizon: 3+ Years
Index Funds
An Exchange Traded Fund (Index Funds) is a fund that trades on an exchange, just like a stock and replicate the portfolio and performance of a publically available Index. Index Funds offer low expense investment solution.
INDEX FUNDSMirae Asset Nifty SDL Jun 2027 Index Fund
(An open-ended target maturity Index Fund investing in the constituents of Nifty SDL Jun 2027 Index. A scheme with relatively high interest rate risk and relatively low credit risk)
Goal Wealth Creation
BenchmarkNifty SDL Jun 2027 Index
Risk Moderate
NAV as on 13 Mar 202511.9347
Ideal Time Horizon: Hold till Maturity
INDEX FUNDSMirae Asset Nifty AAA PSU Bond Plus SDL Apr 2026 50 50 Index Fund
(An open-ended target maturity Index Fund investing in the constituents of Nifty AAA PSU Bond Plus SDL Apr 2026 50:50 Index. A scheme with relatively high interest rate risk and relatively low credit risk)
Goal Income
BenchmarkNifty AAA PSU Bond Plus SDL Apr 2026 50:50 Index
Risk Aggressive
NAV as on 13 Mar 202511.8122
INDEX FUNDSMirae Asset CRISIL IBX Gilt Index April 2033 Index Fund
(An open-ended target maturity Index Fund investing in the constituents of CRISIL IBX Gilt Index – April 2033. A scheme with relatively high interest rate risk and relatively low credit risk)
Goal Income
BenchmarkCRISIL IBX Gilt Index-April 2033
Risk Aggressive
NAV as on 13 Mar 202512.2503
INDEX FUNDSMirae Asset Nifty SDL June 2028 Index Fund
(An open-ended target maturity Index Fund investing in the constituents of Nifty SDL June 2028 Index. A scheme with relatively high interest rate risk and relatively low credit risk)
Goal Wealth Creation
BenchmarkNifty SDL June 2028 Index
Risk Moderate
NAV as on 13 Mar 202511.5682
Ideal Time Horizon: Hold till Maturity
INDEX FUNDSMirae Asset Nifty 50 Index Fund
(An open-ended scheme replicating/tracking Nifty 50 Total Return Index)
Goal Wealth Creation
BenchmarkNifty 50 TRI (Total Return Index)
Risk Aggressive
NAV as on 13 Mar 20259.1842
Ideal Time Horizon: 3+ years
INDEX FUNDSMirae Asset Nifty LargeMidcap 250 Index Fund
(An open-ended scheme replicating/tracking Nifty LargeMidcap 250 Total Return Index)
Goal Wealth Creation
BenchmarkNifty LargeMidcap 250 TRI (Total Return Index)
Risk Aggressive
NAV as on 13 Mar 20258.7972
Ideal Time Horizon: 3+ years
INDEX FUNDSMirae Asset Nifty Total Market Index Fund
(An open-ended scheme replicating/tracking Nifty Total Market Total Return Index)