NSE Symbol | BSE Code | ETFs | CURRENT iNAV | Previous Day NAV | % Change in NAV | Reference price on exchange for currently closed markets | % Change of Reference Price |
The above information on Indicative NAV (i-NAV) is for reference purpose only. The ETF may or may not trade around these levels on the exchange. There may be differences or delay in the i-NAV due to data sources, underlying market timings and technical issues. Investors are advised to conduct due diligence before referring to the above data.
Last closing value of NYSE FANG+ Index (PR):Click Here
NASDAQ 100 Futures: Click Here
NYSE FANG+ Futures: Click Here
Forex Rate:Click Here
Mirae Asset S&P 500 Top 50 ETF Regular Growth Option NAV:
Last closing value of S&P 500 Top 50 Index (PR): Click Here
S&P 500 Futures: Click Here
Mirae Asset Hang Seng TECH ETF Regular Growth Option NAV:
Last closing value of Hang Seng TECH Index: Click Here
Hang Seng TECH Futures: Click Here
*the above information is for reference only. The investor may use other sources for the above mentioned parameters.
Large investors who want to buy or sell in multiples of creation unit size can also approach Mirae Asset Mutual Fund directly for transaction.
ETF | Previous Day NAV | CURRENT iNAV | Basket Size | Basket Value# |
The Final transaction value will be dependent on actual basket value during the ETF unit creation, taxes and other charges. For more details, please contact us
*Fields are mandatory.
#1 Please note: iNAV (Real Time Indicative Net Asset Value) is only indicative in nature and should be used only as a reference. Actual transaction will be executed based on current market price prevailing on the exchange while placing the order. Final realized price may consist of market spread, tax, brokerage and other charges, which may make realized price different from the iNAV.
#2 Please note: Approximate transaction value is based on Quantity * iNAV. Realized transaction value may be based on final realized price*Quantity. Please refer to your broker for further details.
#3 Please note: Order execution is dependent on the broker and the exchange. AMC is not responsible for the price, tax & charges at which the order is executed. The investor is encouraged to view order book of the ETF on exchange before placing the order. Please contact your broker for further details.
#4 Please Note: The transaction may get rejected or get only partially completed due to lack of funds (while buying) or units (while selling) in your broking account or due to any other reason. Please contact your broker for further details.
Mirae Asset Nifty 50 ETF
(An open ended scheme replicating/tracking Nifty 50 Index) (NSE: NIFTYETF BSE:542131)RISKOMETER

Mirae Asset Nifty Next 50 ETF
(An open ended scheme replicating/tracking Nifty Next 50 Total Return Index) (NSE: NEXT50 BSE:542922)RISKOMETER

Mirae Asset Nifty 100 ESG Sector Leaders ETF
(An open ended scheme replicating/tracking Nifty100 ESG Sector Leaders Total Return Index) (NSE: ESG BSE:543246)RISKOMETER

Mirae Asset NYSE FANG + ETF
(An open-ended scheme replicating/tracking NYSE FANG+ Total Return Index) (NSE: MAFANG BSE:543291)RISKOMETER

Mirae Asset S&P 500 Top 50 ETF
(An open ended scheme replicating/tracking S&P 500 Top 50 Total Return Index) (NSE: MASPTOP50 BSE:543365)RISKOMETER

Mirae Asset Nifty Financial Services ETF
(An open-ended scheme replicating/tracking Nifty Financial Services Total Return Index) (NSE: BFSI BSE:543323)RISKOMETER

Mirae Asset Hang Seng TECH ETF
(An open ended scheme replicating/tracking Hang Seng TECH Total Return Index(INR)) (NSE: MAHKTECH BSE:543414)RISKOMETER

Mirae Asset Nifty India Manufacturing ETF
(An open-ended scheme replicating/tracking Nifty India Manufacturing Total Return Index) (NSE: MAKEINDIA BSE:543454)RISKOMETER

Mirae Asset Nifty Midcap 150 ETF
(An open-ended scheme replicating/tracking Nifty Midcap 150 Total Return Index)(NSE: MIDCAPETF BSE:543481)RISKOMETER

Mirae Asset Nifty 100 Low Volatility 30 ETF
(An open ended scheme replicating/tracking Nifty 100 Low Volatility 30 Total Return Index)(NSE: LOWVOL BSE:543858)RISKOMETER

Mirae Asset Gold ETF
(An open-ended scheme replicating/tracking Domestic Price of Gold) (NSE:GOLDETF BSE:543781)RISKOMETER

Mirae Asset Nifty 8-13 yr G-Sec ETF
(An Open-Ended Index Exchange Traded Fund tracking Nifty 8-13 yr G-Sec Index. Relatively High interest rate risk and Relatively Low Credit Risk)(NSE: MAGS813ETF BSE:543875)RISKOMETER

Mirae Asset Silver ETF
(An open-ended scheme replicating/tracking Domestic Price of Silver)(NSE: SILVRETF BSE:543922)RISKOMETER

Mirae Asset Nifty Bank ETF
(An open-ended scheme replicating/tracking Nifty Bank Total Return Index)(NSE Code: BANKETF BSE Code: 543944)RISKOMETER

Mirae Asset Nifty 1D Rate Liquid ETF-IDCW
(An open-ended listed liquid scheme in the form of an Exchange Traded Fund tracking Nifty 1D Rate Index, with daily Income Distribution cum capital withdrawal (IDCW) and compulsory Reinvestment of IDCW option. A relatively low interest rate risk and relatively low credit risk) (NSE:LIQUID BSE:543946)RISKOMETER

Mirae Asset Nifty 200 Alpha 30 ETF
(An open ended scheme replicating/tracking Nifty 200 Alpha 30 Total Return Index ) (NSE: ALPHAETF BSE:544007)RISKOMETER

Mirae Asset Nifty IT ETF
(An open-ended scheme replicating/tracking Nifty IT Total Return Index) (NSE: ITETF BSE:544006)RISKOMETER

Mirae Asset Nifty Smallcap 250 Momentum Quality 100 ETF
(An open-ended scheme replicating/tracking Nifty Smallcap 250 Momentum Quality 100 Total Return Index)RISKOMETER

Mirae Asset Nifty MidSmallcap400 Momentum Quality 100 ETF
(An open ended scheme replicating/tracking Nifty Midsmallcap400 Momentum Quality 100 Total Return Index)RISKOMETER

Mirae Asset Nifty EV and New Age Automotive ETF
(An open ended scheme replicating/tracking Nifty EV and New Age Automotive Total Return Index)RISKOMETER

Mirae Asset Nifty500 Multicap 50 25 25 ETF
(An open-ended scheme replicating/tracking Nifty500 Multicap 50:25:25 Total Return Index)RISKOMETER

Mirae Asset Nifty Metal ETF
(An open-ended scheme replicating/tracking Nifty Metal Total Return Index) (NSE: METAL BSE: 544268)RISKOMETER

Mirae Asset Nifty PSU Bank ETF
(An open-ended scheme replicating/tracking Nifty PSU Bank Total Return Index) (NSE: BANKPSU BSE: 544266)RISKOMETER

Mirae Asset Nifty 1D Rate Liquid ETF-Growth
(An open-ended listed liquid scheme in the form of an Exchange Traded Fund tracking Nifty 1D Rate Index, with growth option. A relatively low interest rate risk and relatively low credit risk) (NSE – LIQUIDPLUS | BSE - 544284)RISKOMETER

Mirae Asset Nifty India New Age Consumption ETF
(An open-ended scheme replicating/tracking Nifty India New Age Consumption Total Return Index)RISKOMETER

Mirae Asset ETF is a part of Mirae Asset Mutual Fund and is used for Exchange Traded Funds managed by Mirae Asset Investment Managers (India) Private Limited.