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Travel Cost Calculator
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Travel Cost Calculator
Why are you earning if you cannot get yourself timely breaks of vacation? Whether alone or a family trip, with this calculator, make sure to accomplish your dream holiday along with fulfilling all the items on your bucket list and shopping list.

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One of the most important aspects of travel planning is, knowing what your budget should be. Families often end up spend much more than what they had planned in their vacations. You should budget for flight tickets, hotel / service apartment bookings for the duration of your stay, cost of food / beverages, local transportation and sightseeing etc. If you are planning to attend special events e.g. concerts, dinner cruises etc. during your vacation, you should include that in your budget. Finally, you should set aside a portion of your budget for shopping. You need to plan your vacation well in advance and invest so that you can accumulate the corpus required for the vacation. Our travel cost calculator can help you plan for your dream vacation.
How travel cost calculators work?
Travel cost calculators will advise how much you need to save and invest in order to accumulate the funds needed for your tour.
How to Use the Mirae Asset Travel Cost Calculator?
- Enter the current cost of your tour
- Enter expected rate of return on your investment (in %)
- Enter when you want to tour (in years)
- Enter rate of inflation (in %). You have the option of performing the calculations with or without inflation – press the radio button accordingly. We recommend that you should calculate with inflation because travel costs usually tend to appreciate over time.
- Press Calculate
- Mirae Asset Travel Cost Calculator will tell you how much you need to invest monthly in order to buy take your dream vacation.
- The calculator will also tell you how much your dream vacation will cost after factoring inflation when you finally travel.
Benefits of using the Mirae Asset Travel Cost Calculator
- Financial planning is very important in achieving any of your long and short term financial goals. Therefore, you need to know how much you have to save in order to meet your goal. Mirae Asset Travel Cost Calculator will tell you how much you need to save on a monthly basis to take your dream vacation.
- Once you have a definitive savings target every month you can plan your monthly budget accordingly and remain disciplined.
- Savings is not enough to meet your vacation plans. You need to invest it so that your investment can grow over time. In other words, investment generates returns. How much returns you get will depend on your investment decisions. Some asset classes have the potential of generating higher returns than others. Mirae Asset Travel Cost Calculator will tell you how much you need to invest through monthly Systematic Investment Plan in order to achieve your goal of dream vacation
- You should remember than risk and returns are related, thus, invest according to your risk appetite. Your expected rate of return in Mirae Asset Travel Cost Calculator should be based on your risk appetite and investment tenure. If you have higher risk appetite and longer investment tenure, you can expect higher returns by investing in equity mutual funds. By entering different rates of returns, you can get different results in the calculator. Accordingly, you can make your investment decisions based on the return you can get basis your risk profile.
Answer: - It will depend on where you plan to travel, when you travel, number of places you want to visit, duration of your travel and other travel related costs. Travel is a discretionary expense. You should plan according to the vacation goals of your family and what you can afford.
Answer: - It will depend on your risk appetite and investment tenure. Equity as an asset class can give higher returns, but you need to have high risk appetite and long investment tenures (minimum 5 years) for equity investments. If you do not have high risk appetite or long investment tenures, then you need to invest in debt or hybrid funds.
Answer: - Travel is considered to be luxury spending. The rate of inflation in luxury spending is significantly higher than usual CPI inflation. If you are planning to take a foreign vacation then you may also factor in INR depreciation because you will have to spend in foreign currency. You may consult with a travel agent to get a sense of how much inflation you should expect.
Disclaimer : The calculators are based on assumed rate of returns and meant for illustration purposes only. Some of the features may or may not be currently available for investments in our funds and facilities. The calculators are designed to assist you to get a better understanding on how returns would have panned out in various scenarios. This calculator alone is not sufficient and shouldn’t be used for the development or implementation of any investment strategy. In the preparation of the calculator, Mirae Asset Mutual Fund (MAMF) has tied up with Advisorkhoj who have developed and integrated the calculator with our website. The calculator uses information that is publicly available and information developed in-house. Information gathered and material used in this calculator is believed to be from reliable sources. MAMF however does not warrant the accuracy, reasonableness and/or completeness of any such information. The examples do not purport to represent the performance of any security or investments. It is neither an investment advice nor should it be construed as indicative of any of the schemes of Mirae Asset Mutual Fund. Invest as per your risk appetite and time horizon. In view of individual nature of tax consequences, each investor is advised to consult his/ her own professional tax advisor before taking any investment decision. Contact your financial advisor for detailed insight into the investment advice. Mirae Asset Investment Managers (India) Private Limited (“Mirae AMC”) shall have no responsibility/liability whatsoever for the accuracy or any use or reliance thereof of such information. The AMC, its associate or sponsors or group companies, its Directors or employees accepts no liability for any loss or damage of any kind.