Fixed Income Funds
Fixed Income Funds
Fixed Income or Debt Funds endeavor to provide potential for stable and regular returns. They are best suited for investors with a short to medium term investment horizon.
FIXED INCOMEMirae Asset Liquid Fund
((Liquid Fund - An open ended liquid scheme) A relatively low interest rate risk and moderate credit risk)
Goal Savings
BenchmarkNifty Liquid Index A-I
Risk Conservative
NAV as on 13 Mar 20252681.9124
Ideal Time Horizon: 1 Day - 6 Months
FIXED INCOMEMirae Asset Ultra Short Duration Fund
(An Open ended ultra-short term debt scheme investing in instruments such that the Macaulay duration* of the portfolio is between 3 months to 6 months (*please refer to page no.35 of SID). A relatively low interest rate risk and moderate credit risk.)
Goal Savings
BenchmarkNifty Ultra Short Duration Debt Index A-I
Risk Moderate
NAV as on 13 Mar 20251276.4835
Ideal Time Horizon: 3-6 months
FIXED INCOMEMirae Asset Corporate Bond Fund
(An open ended debt scheme predominantly investing in AA+ and above rated corporate bonds. A relatively high interest rate risk and moderate credit risk.)
Goal Wealth Creation
BenchmarkCRISIL Corporate Debt A-II Index
Risk Moderate
NAV as on 13 Mar 202512.3625
Ideal Time Horizon: 3+ Years
FIXED INCOMEMirae Asset Low Duration Fund
(Low Duration Fund - An Open ended low duration Debt Scheme investing in instruments with Macaulay duration of the portfolio between 6 months and 12 months (please refer to page no. 37 of SID) A moderate interest rate risk and moderate credit risk)
Goal Savings
BenchmarkNifty Low Duration Debt Index A-I
Risk Conservative
NAV as on 13 Mar 20252201.5513
Ideal Time Horizon: 6-12 Months
FIXED INCOMEMirae Asset Overnight Fund
(An open ended debt scheme investing in overnight securities. A relatively low interest rate risk and relatively low credit risk.)
Goal Savings
BenchmarkNIFTY 1D Rate Index
Risk Conservative
NAV as on 13 Mar 20251298.5728
FIXED INCOMEMirae Asset Banking and PSU Fund
(Banking and PSU Fund - An open ended debt scheme predominantly investing in debt instruments of banks, Public Sector Undertakings, Public Financial Institutions and Municipal Bonds) A relatively high interest rate risk and moderate credit risk)
Goal Wealth Creation
BenchmarkCRISIL Banking and PSU Debt A-II Index
Risk Moderate
NAV as on 13 Mar 202512.5562
Ideal Time Horizon: 1+ years
FIXED INCOMEMirae Asset Short Duration Fund
(An open ended short term debt scheme investing in instruments such that the Macaulay duration* of the portfolio is between 1 year to 3 years (please refer to page no. 35 of SID) A relatively high interest rate risk and moderate credit risk)
Goal Income
BenchmarkCRISIL Short Duration Debt A-II Index
Risk Moderate
NAV as on 13 Mar 202515.2692
Ideal Time Horizon: 1-3 Years
FIXED INCOMEMirae Asset Dynamic Bond Fund
(An Open-ended dynamic debt scheme investing across duration. A relatively high interest rate risk and relatively high credit risk.)
Goal Income
BenchmarkCRISIL Dynamic Bond A-III Index
Risk Moderate
NAV as on 13 Mar 202515.7120
Ideal Time Horizon: 3+ Years
FIXED INCOMEMirae Asset Money Market Fund
(An Open ended debt scheme investing in money market instruments. A relatively low interest rate risk and moderate credit risk.)
Goal Savings
BenchmarkNifty Money Market Index A-I
Risk Moderate
NAV as on 13 Mar 20251228.6775
Ideal Time Horizon: 1years
FIXED INCOMEMirae Asset Long Duration Fund
Mirae Asset Long Duration Fund