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SWP Calculator

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Systematic Withdrawal Plan Calculator


scheme namescheme withdrawal periodscheme installmentscheme total withdrawal amount (₹)scheme current value (₹)scheme current value datescheme returns (%)

scheme nameNav DateNav (₹)UnitsCumulative UnitsCash FlowNet Amount (₹)Capital Gain/Loss (₹)No. Of Days (Invested)Current Value (₹)

Systematic Withdrawal Plan or SWP is a mutual fund investment facility which allows you to draw a fixed amount from your mutual fund investments at a specified frequency (monthly, quarterly, annual etc.); you can specify the day of the month/ quarter when the withdrawal should be made and the amount will be credited directly to your bank account on the specified day. You can continue your SWP as long as there are balance units in your mutual fund scheme account.

How does SWP work?

SWP generates cash-flows by redeeming units of your mutual fund scheme. The number of units redeemed for each SWP payout will depend on the SWP amount (as specified by you) and the prevailing NAV on the date when the SWP payment is made.

How Mirae Asset SWP Calculator works?

Mirae Asset’s SWP calculator can tell you how long you can continue your SWP based on how much you are investing in the beginning, how much you need to draw at the chosen interval and the value of your investment at the end of the SWP.

How to Use the Mirae Asset SWP Calculator?

  1. Enter the Mirae Asset Mutual Fund scheme name from which you wish to make systematic withdrawals (SWP) in the SWP calculator
  2. Enter the initial investment amount.
  3. Enter the SWP date – day of the month / quarter when you wish to receive your SWP payments
  4. Enter the withdrawal amount – amount you wish to draw every month or quarter
  5. Enter Period – Select monthly or quarterly depending on the intervals in which you need the SWP cash-flows
  6. Enter From Date – date on which the SWP will begin
  7. Enter To Date – date on which the SWP will end
  8. Press Calculate
  9. Mirae Asset Systematic Withdrawal Plan Calculator will tell you how many SWP instalments you can draw from your investment, total withdrawal amount, value of your investment at the end of the SWP period and the annualized returns of the SWP.
  10. The SWP calculator will show the cash-flows on a monthly or quarterly basis as per the option chosen by you and the capital gain / loss amount which helps you in your tax calclations.

Benefits of using the Mirae Asset's SWP Calculator

  • Systematic Withdrawal Plan Calculator shows you how through SWP you could have generated fixed cash-flows for you till you had sufficient unit balance in your account.
  • Systematic Withdrawal Plan Calculator also shows how with moderate rates of withdrawals, SWP has the potential of generating both fixed cash-flows and capital appreciation in the long term. You can change the withdrawal amount in the Mirae Asset's SWP Calculator to see how long you can continue your SWP and / or your final investment value post all the SWP withdrawals.


Answer: - You can select schemes of Mirae Asset MF from the drop down menu based on your risk appetite and investment needs.

Answer: - You should enter the date on which you want to receive the SWP payment based on your expense cash-flow needs.

Answer: - You should enter an amount that you need as regular cash-flows from your investment. Higher the withdrawal amount, more units will be redeemed and you will be left with less units. Financial advisors recommend that your withdrawal rate should be less than the average returns of the scheme.

Answer: - We have two options from SWP return calculator – monthly and quarterly. Select a period based on what you need the SWP cash-flows for. If you need the SWP cash-flows for your monthly expenses / requirements, select monthly.

Disclaimer : The calculators are based on assumed rate of returns and meant for illustration purposes only. Some of the features may or may not be currently available for investments in our funds and facilities. The calculators are designed to assist you to get a better understanding on how returns would have panned out in various scenarios. This calculator alone is not sufficient and shouldn’t be used for the development or implementation of any investment strategy. In the preparation of the calculator, Mirae Asset Mutual Fund (MAMF) has tied up with Advisorkhoj who have developed and integrated the calculator with our website. The calculator uses information that is publicly available and information developed in-house. Information gathered and material used in this calculator is believed to be from reliable sources. MAMF however does not warrant the accuracy, reasonableness and/or completeness of any such information. The examples do not purport to represent the performance of any security or investments. It is neither an investment advice nor should it be construed as indicative of any of the schemes of Mirae Asset Mutual Fund. Invest as per your risk appetite and time horizon. In view of individual nature of tax consequences, each investor is advised to consult his/ her own professional tax advisor before taking any investment decision. Contact your financial advisor for detailed insight into the investment advice. Mirae Asset Investment Managers (India) Private Limited (“Mirae AMC”) shall have no responsibility/liability whatsoever for the accuracy or any use or reliance thereof of such information. The AMC, its associate or sponsors or group companies, its Directors or employees accepts no liability for any loss or damage of any kind.

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