Exchange Traded Funds (ETF)
An Exchange Traded Fund (ETF) is a fund that trades on an exchange, just like a stock and replicate the portfolio and performance of a publically available Index. ETFs offer low expense investment solution.
ETFMirae Asset Nifty 50 ETF
(An open ended scheme replicating/tracking Nifty 50 Index) (NSE: NIFTYETF BSE:542131)
Goal Wealth Creation
BenchmarkNifty 50 TRI (Total Return Index)
Risk Aggressive
NAV as on 07 Mar 2025241.0586
Current iNav
ETFMirae Asset Nifty Next 50 ETF
(An open ended scheme replicating/tracking Nifty Next 50 Total Return Index) (NSE: NEXT50 BSE:542922)
Goal Wealth Creation
BenchmarkNifty Next 50 TRI
Risk Aggressive
NAV as on 07 Mar 2025610.0876
Current iNav
ETFMirae Asset Nifty Financial Services ETF
(An open-ended scheme replicating/tracking Nifty Financial Services Total Return Index) (NSE: BFSI BSE:543323)
Goal Wealth Creation
BenchmarkNifty Financial Services ETF
Risk Moderate
NAV as on 07 Mar 202523.7077
Current iNav
Ideal Time Horizon: 5years
ETFMirae Asset Nifty 100 ESG Sector Leaders ETF
(Exchange Traded Fund (ETF) - An open ended scheme replicating/ tracking Nifty 100 ESG Sector Leaders Total Return Index) (NSE: ESG BSE:543246)
Goal Wealth Creation
BenchmarkNIFTY100 ESG Sector Leaders Index (TRI index)
Risk Moderate
NAV as on 07 Mar 202537.9466
Current iNav
ETFMirae Asset Nifty India Manufacturing ETF
(An open-ended scheme replicating/tracking Nifty India Manufacturing Total Return Index) (NSE: MAKEINDIA BSE:543454)
Goal Wealth Creation
BenchmarkNifty India Manufacturing Index (Total Return Index) (INR)
Risk Aggressive
NAV as on 07 Mar 2025128.7464
Current iNav
Ideal Time Horizon: 3+years
ETFMirae Asset Nifty Midcap 150 ETF
(An open-ended scheme replicating/tracking Nifty Midcap 150 Total Return Index) (NSE: MIDCAPETF BSE:543481)
Goal Wealth Creation
BenchmarkNifty Midcap 150 Index (Total Return Index) (INR)
Risk Aggressive
NAV as on 07 Mar 202518.5454
Current iNav
Ideal Time Horizon: 3years
ETFMirae Asset Nifty 100 Low Volatility 30 ETF
(An open ended scheme replicating/tracking Nifty 100 Low Volatility 30 Total Return Index) (NSE: LOWVOL BSE:543858)
Goal Wealth Creation
BenchmarkNifty 100 Low Volatility 30 TRI (Total Return Index)
Risk Aggressive
NAV as on 07 Mar 2025184.2364
Current iNav
Ideal Time Horizon: 91 Days
ETFMirae Asset S and P 500 Top 50 ETF
(An open ended scheme replicating/tracking S&P 500 Top 50 Total Return Index) (NSE: MASPTOP50 BSE:543365)
Goal Wealth Creation
BenchmarkS&P 500 Top 50 TRI (Total Return Index) (INR)
Risk Aggressive
NAV as on 07 Mar 202546.7238
Current iNav
Ideal Time Horizon: 3years
ETFMirae Asset Hang Seng TECH ETF
(An open ended scheme replicating/tracking Hang Seng TECH Total Return Index(INR)) (NSE: MAHKTECH BSE:543414)
Goal Wealth Creation
BenchmarkHang Seng TECH TRI (Total Return Index) (INR)
Risk Aggressive
NAV as on 07 Mar 202522.4962
Current iNav
Ideal Time Horizon: 3years
ETFMirae Asset Gold ETF
(An open-ended scheme replicating/tracking Domestic Price of Gold) (NSE:MAGOLDETF BSE:543781)
Goal Wealth Creation
BenchmarkDomestic Price of Physical Gold
Risk Aggressive
NAV as on 07 Mar 202584.4003
Current iNav
Ideal Time Horizon: 3+ Years
(An open-ended scheme replicating/tracking NYSE FANG+ Total Return Index) (NSE: MAFANG BSE:543291)
Goal Wealth Creation
BenchmarkNYSE FANG PLUS Index (INR)
Risk Aggressive
NAV as on 07 Mar 2025104.0048
Current iNav
Ideal Time Horizon: 3+years
ETFMirae Asset Nifty 8 13 Yr G SEC ETF
(An Open-Ended Index Exchange Traded Fund tracking Nifty 8-13 yr G-Sec Index. Relatively High interest rate risk and Relatively Low Credit Risk) (NSE: GSEC10YEAR BSE:543875)
Goal Wealth Creation
BenchmarkNifty 8-13 yr G-Sec Index
Risk Aggressive
NAV as on 07 Mar 202528.0115
Current iNav
Ideal Time Horizon: 3+ years
ETFMirae Asset Silver ETF
(An open-ended scheme replicating/tracking Domestic Price of Silver)(NSE: SILVRETF BSE:543922)
Goal Wealth Creation
BenchmarkDomestic Price of Physical Silver
Risk Aggressive
NAV as on 07 Mar 202595.4330
Current iNav
Ideal Time Horizon: 3+years
ETFMirae Asset Nifty Bank ETF
(An open-ended scheme replicating/tracking Nifty Bank Total Return Index)(NSE:BANKETF BSE:543944)
Goal Wealth Creation
BenchmarkNifty Bank Index (TRI)
Risk Aggressive
NAV as on 07 Mar 2025488.8002
Current iNav
Ideal Time Horizon: 3+years
ETFMirae Asset Nifty 1D Rate Liquid ETF-IDCW
(An open-ended listed liquid scheme in the form of an Exchange Traded Fund tracking Nifty 1D Rate Index, with daily Income Distribution cum capital withdrawal (IDCW) and compulsory Reinvestment of IDCW option. A relatively low interest rate risk and relatively low credit risk) (NSE:LIQUID BSE:543946)
Goal Wealth Creation
BenchmarkNifty 1D Rate Index
Risk Low
NAV as on 25 Dec 20231000.0000
Current iNav
Ideal Time Horizon: 1 Day to 1 Week
ETFMirae Asset S P BSE Sensex ETF
(An open-ended scheme replicating/tracking BSE Sensex Total Return Index)(NSE:SENSEXETF BSE:543999)
Goal Wealth Creation
BenchmarkReplicates BSE Sensex TRI
Risk Aggressive
NAV as on 07 Mar 202575.3942
Current iNav
Ideal Time Horizon: 3+ Years
ETFMirae Asset Nifty 200 Alpha 30 ETF
(An open ended scheme replicating/tracking Nifty 200 Alpha 30 Total Return Index ) (NSE: ALPHAETF BSE:544007)
Goal Wealth Creation
BenchmarkNifty 200 Alpha 30 TRI (Total Return Index)
Risk Aggressive
NAV as on 07 Mar 202521.3442
Current iNav
Ideal Time Horizon: 3+ Years
ETFMirae Asset Nifty IT ETF
(An open-ended scheme replicating/tracking Nifty IT Total Return Index) (NSE: ITETF BSE:544006)
Goal Wealth Creation
BenchmarkNifty IT TRI (Total Return Index)
NAV as on 07 Mar 202538.8830
Current iNav
Ideal Time Horizon: 3+ Years
ETFMirae Asset Nifty Smallcap 250 Momentum Quality 100 ETF
(An open-ended scheme replicating/tracking Nifty Smallcap 250 Momentum Quality 100 Total Return Index)(NSE:SMALLCAP BSE:544130)
Goal Wealth Creation
BenchmarkNifty Smallcap 250 Momentum Quality 100 TRI (Total Return Index)
Risk Aggressive
NAV as on 07 Mar 202540.6560
Current iNav
Ideal Time Horizon: 3+ Years
ETFMirae Asset Nifty MidSmallcap400 Momentum Quality 100 ETF
(An open ended scheme replicating/tracking Nifty Midsmallcap400 Momentum Quality 100 Total Return Index)(NSE:MIDSMALL BSE:544180)
Goal Wealth Creation
BenchmarkNifty Midsmallcap400 Momentum Quality 100 Total Return Index
Risk Aggressive
NAV as on 07 Mar 202542.4284
Current iNav
Ideal Time Horizon: 3+ Years
ETFMirae Asset Nifty EV and New Age Automotive ETF
(An open ended scheme replicating/tracking Nifty EV and New Age Automotive Total Return Index)(NSE:EVINDIA BSE:544212)
Goal Wealth Creation
BenchmarkNifty EV and New Age Automotive Total Return Index
Risk Aggressive
NAV as on 07 Mar 202526.4327
Current iNav
Ideal Time Horizon: 5+ Years
ETFMirae Asset Nifty500 Multicap 50 25 25 ETF
(An open-ended scheme replicating/tracking Nifty500 Multicap 50:25:25 Total Return Index)(NSE:MULTICAP BSE:544241)
Goal Wealth Creation
BenchmarkNifty500 Multicap 50:25:25 Total Return Index
Risk Aggressive
NAV as on 07 Mar 202514.1006
Current iNav
Ideal Time Horizon: 5+ Years
ETFMirae Asset Nifty Metal ETF
(An open-ended scheme replicating/tracking Nifty Metal Total Return Index) (NSE: METAL BSE: 544268)
Goal Wealth Creation
BenchmarkNifty Metal TRI (Total Return Index)
Risk Aggressive
NAV as on 07 Mar 20258.9378
Current iNav
Ideal Time Horizon: 5+ Years
ETFMirae Asset Nifty PSU Bank ETF
(An open-ended scheme replicating/tracking Nifty PSU Bank Total Return Index) (NSE: BANKPSU BSE: 544266)
Goal Wealth Creation
BenchmarkPhysical replication of Nifty PSU Bank Index
Risk Aggressive
NAV as on 07 Mar 202559.2558
Current iNav
Ideal Time Horizon: 5+ Years
ETFMirae Asset Nifty 1D Rate Liquid ETF-Growth
(An open-ended listed liquid scheme in the form of an Exchange Traded Fund tracking Nifty 1D Rate Index, with growth option. A relatively low interest rate risk and relatively low credit risk)(NSE:LIQUIDPLUS BSE:544284)
Goal Wealth Creation
BenchmarkNifty 1D Rate Index
Risk Aggressive
NAV as on 07 Mar 20251021.0193
Current iNav
Ideal Time Horizon: 5+ Years
ETFMirae Asset Nifty India New Age Consumption ETF
(An open-ended scheme replicating/tracking Nifty India New Age Consumption Total Return Index)
Goal Wealth Creation
BenchmarkNifty India New Age Consumption (TRI)
Risk Aggressive
NAV as on 07 Mar 202510.1259
Current iNav
Ideal Time Horizon: 3+ Years
ETFMirae Asset BSE Select IPO ETF
(An open-ended scheme replicating/tracking BSE Select IPO Total Return Index)
Goal Wealth Creation
BenchmarkBSE Select IPO Total Return Index
Risk Aggressive
NAV as on 24 Feb 20250.0000
Current iNav
Ideal Time Horizon: 3+ Years
ETFMirae Asset BSE 200 Equal Weight ETF
(An open-ended scheme replicating/tracking BSE 200 Equal Weight Total Return Index)
Goal Wealth Creation
BenchmarkBSE 200 Equal Weight Total Return Index
Risk Aggressive
NAV as on 24 Feb 20250.0000
Current iNav
Ideal Time Horizon: 3+ Years
What is ETF?
An ETF is a basket of stocks that reflects the composition of an Index, like the Sensex or the Nifty. ETF prices reflect the net asset value of basket of stocks in which it is investing. In many ways, it is similar to mutual funds. Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) are actually Index Funds that are listed and traded on exchanges like stocks and are passively managed. Mutual funds aim to generate alpha by outperforming a market benchmark, whereas ETFs aim to track the relevant index and replicate it returns. To invest in ETFs you need to have demat and trading account with a stock broker.
How to select ETFs?
There are mainly three parameters which investors should look at while investing in ETFs:-
- Total Expense Ratio: Low risk (arbitrage theoretically means risk free profits)
- Tracking error:Tracking error is the deviation between index return and the ETF return. This is an important performance parameter because as an investor you are actually investing in the index.
- Liquidity:This is an extremely important factor for ETFs because unlike mutual funds, ETFs are bought and sold in the stock exchanges. If an ETF is not very liquid, you may not find enough buyers when you want to sell your ETFs.
ETF Schemes
Some of the popular ETF category schemes are as follows:-
Index ETF
Index ETFs are the most common of all ETF product offerings. It aims to track a particular market index like Sensex, Nifty, BSE 100, Nifty 100 etc. Index ETFs invest in a basket of stocks which replicate the Index the ETF aims to track. When investing in an Index ETF you should expect to get the index returns which your ETF is tracking, nothing more or nothing less.
Gold ETF
Investors can buy gold as financial asset in the form of Gold ETF. Gold ETF is an exchange traded fund that aims to track the price of gold in the market and has the same value as that of pure 24 carat physical gold. Like shares of a company, the units of the Gold ETFs are also traded on the stock exchange.
Bank ETF
Bank ETFs invests in a basket of banking stocks listed on the stock exchanges.
International ETFs
An International ETF invests mainly in foreign based securities. These ETFs may track global markets or track a country-specific benchmark index. These ETFs can be a good investment option if you want to diversify your investments into foreign securities.
Liquid ETF
Liquid ETFs invest in a basket of short term Government securities, call money or money market instruments of short term maturities. The objective of liquid ETFs is to enhance returns and reduce price risk.
Why invest in ETFs?
ETF may be a better choice
There are a number of factors that play a crucial role in determining future performance of a mutual fund scheme, for example - fund manager’s track record, AMC track record, long term performance etc. It takes considerable skills to identify a good fund that may outperform its peers and also the market in the future. Exchange Traded Funds, on the other hand, tracks only the Index that it is benchmarking and therefore, there is little scope of outperformance or underperformance. If you aim for market/ Index returns for your investment, the ETFs may be a good choice.
Performance is the focus
The indices, which by their method of construction based on market capitalization, eliminate or at least, reduce the weight of underperformers in the index portfolio. Therefore, by extension ETFs also eliminate or at least reduce the weight of underperformers in their portfolio.
Unsystematic Risk
Mutual funds are subject to two kinds of risk – Systematic and Unsystematic risks. Systematic risk is unavoidable because equities as an asset class are volatile. Both ETFs and actively managed funds are subject to market risks. Unsystematic risk is company specific risk or sector specific risk. Though mutual funds aim to reduce unsystematic risk by diversifying its portfolio across stocks and sectors, they still have some residual unsystematic risks because actively managed funds may be over-weight on certain stocks and sectors versus the index. Exchange Traded Funds do not have any unsystematic risk because they simply track the index; therefore, it is a good investment option if you want to totally avoid unsystematic risk.
Low cost
The expense ratio of ETFs is much lower than their mutual fund counterparts. The expense ratios of ETFs can be as low as 0.25%, compared to the expense ratio of mutual funds which are usually in the range of 1.5% - 2.25%. Unless the mutual funds generates considerable alpha in the long term, they may not be able to beat the ETF returns in the long term.
ETFs bring simplicity to your investing compared to actively managed funds. You do not have to analyze past performance or understand the fund manager’s investment style or how the fund has done in up and down markets etc. Most ETFs track the large cap indices like Nifty, Sensex, BSE – 100, Nifty 100, Nifty Next 50 etc. You can simply select an index and invest in a low cost ETF, which tracks that index and your job is done.
EWithout having a trading and demat account with a stock broker, you cannot invest in ETFs. However for any reason, if you are unable to open a trading and demat account, you can invest in “ETF like” investment products where you can invest in a passive fund which tracks an index. These are called Index funds which like ETFs aim to track a particular index like Sensex, Nifty, BSE – 100, Nifty 100, Bank Nifty etc. The fundamental attributes of index funds are like ETFs however Index funds are not listed on the exchange, while the investment process (purchase and redemption) is just like any other mutual fund scheme. The expense ratios of index funds are slightly higher than ETFs.
ETFs are open ended schemes which try to replicate the return of an Index it is tracking. The fund has to invest minimum 95% of its total assets in securities of the Index that it is tracking.
ETFs can be bought and sold only on stock exchanges on a continuous basis like stocks. Unlike mutual funds where the prices (NAV) are declared at the end of the day, ETF prices keep changing during the entire trading session. At the end of the day, however, you will get the closing NAV of the ETF.
- In mutual funds, the AMC acts as counterparty to the investor. Investors do their buy / sell transactions with the AMC whereas ETFs are listed on stock exchanges like shares. Investors can buy or sell ETFs in the stock exchange at a real time price.
- Mutual fund NAVs are priced at the end of the day. However, just like shares, ETF prices change real time throughout the day based on demand and supply in the market.
- You can invest in mutual funds directly through AMC or through an AMFI certified mutual fund distributors (MFD). However, to invest in ETFs, it is mandatory to have a demat and trading account with a stock broker.
- ETFs do not aim to create alpha over the benchmark index that it tracks; it aims to replicate the returns of the benchmark index.
- Being passive funds, the ETF expense ratios are much lower compared to actively managed mutual fund schemes.
- Many investors use ETFs and index funds synonymously which is not correct. Though there are few similarities between them, the investors must understand the differences between the two. The most important difference between index fund and ETF is that, index funds are mutual fund schemes to invest in which you do not need demat or share trading account since they are not listed on the exchange. You can buy index funds directly from the AMC or through a MFD like any other mutual fund schemes. But to invest in ETFs you must have demat and share trading account.
- ETFs are cheaper than index funds. If you buy ETFs there is no securities transaction tax (STT), but when you sell then STT is applicable. Also, you have to pay brokerage every time you buy and sell ETFs. In addition to STT and brokerage, investors also have to pay charges for the demat account for holding the ETFs in electronic form. Index funds can be bought just like any other mutual fund scheme but their expense ratio is slightly higher than Exchange traded funds.
- Some investors may buy or sell an ETF in the Futures and Options (F&O) market, with a much lower capital outlay compared to a basket of stocks. Given current lot sizes in the NSE and margin requirements, minimum capital outlay in ETFs will still be much lower compared to futures.
- While Futures and options have expiry dates (last Thursday of the month), ETFs have no expiry date. You can invest in ETF and hold it as long as you want. In summary, F&O are trading products, whereas ETFs are investment products.
- In F&O you can take a much bigger position with a smaller capital outlay. While your profits may be high, your losses can also be high. F&O positions are marked to market and in case of market correction; investors may have to provide additional money for maintaining margin even before expiry. ETFs are not leveraged positions and hence there is no margin requirement. During market correction, your ETF NAV will fall but you will not have to pay any additional money. Risk in ETF is therefore, much lesser than futures.