(An open-ended target maturity Index Fund investing in the constituents of Nifty SDL Jun 2027 Index.
A scheme with relatively high interest rate risk and relatively low credit risk)

Details as on August 31, 2023
Type of Scheme
An open-ended target maturity Index Fund investing in the constituents of Nifty SDL Jun 2027 Index.
A scheme with relatively high interest rate risk and relatively low credit risk
Investment Objective
The investment objective of the scheme is to track the Nifty SDL Jun 2027 Index by investing in State Development Loans (SDL), maturing on or before June 15, 2027, subject to tracking errors. However, there is no assurance that the investment objective of the Scheme will be realized and the Scheme does not assure or guarantee any returns.
Fund Manager**
Mr. Mahendra Jajoo -
(since March 30, 2022)
Co-fund Manager
Mr. Amit Modani -
(w.e.f 16 January, 2023)
Allotment Date
30th March, 2022
Benchmark Index
Nifty SDL Jun 2027 Index
Minimum Investment
₹ 5,000/- and in multiples of ₹ 1/-thereafter. Minimum Additional Application Amount: ₹1,000/- per application and in multiples of ₹ 1/- thereafter.
Systematic Investment
Plan (SIP)
(Any Date SIP is available from 1st July, 2019)
Monthly and Quarterly: ₹ 1000/- (multiples of ₹ 1/- thereafter), minimum 5 in case of Monthly or 3 in case of Quarterly option.
Load Structure
Entry load: NA
Exit Load: NIL
Plans Available
Regular Plan and Direct Plan
Options Available
Growth Option and IDCW Option (Payout & Re-investment)
Monthly Average AUM (₹ Cr.) as on August 31, 2023
Net AUM (₹ Cr.)
Tracking Error Value~
~1 Year Tracking Difference for Direct Plan is
Monthly Total Expense Ratio
(Including Statutory Levies)
as on August 31, 2023
Regular Plan: 0.31%
Direct Plan: 0.14%
**For experience of Fund Managers Click Here
NAV: Direct Regular
Growth ₹ 10.6478 ₹ 10.6203
IDCW ₹ 10.6479 ₹ 10.6209
Portfolio Holdings % Allocation
State Government Bond
7.51% Maharashtra SDL (24/05/2027) 8.97%
7.69% Haryana SDL (15/06/2027) 6.24%
7.76% Madhya Pradesh SDL (01/03/2027) 4.86%
7.59% Karnataka SDL (29/03/2027) 4.29%
7.78% Bihar SDL (01/03/2027) 4.17%
7.25% Punjab SDL (14/06/2027) 3.69%
8.31% Rajasthan SDL (08/04/2027) 3.53%
7.94% Jharkhand SDL (15/03/2027) 3.49%
7.92% West Bangal SDL (15/03/2027) 3.49%
7.55% Assam SDL (24/05/2027) 3.45%
7.53% Haryana SDL (24/05/2027) 3.45%
7.52% Uttar Pradesh SDL (24/05/2027) 3.45%
7.23% Tamilnadu SDL (14/06/2027) 3.42%
7.2% Kerala SDL (14/06/2027) 3.41%
7.86% Karnataka SDL (15/03/2027) 3.07%
7.52% Gujarat SDL (24/05/2027) 2.82%
7.62% Andhra Pradesh SDL (29/03/2027) 2.77%
7.54% Himachal Pradesh SDL (24/05/2027) 2.76%
7.23% Rajasthan SDL (14/06/2027) 2.73%
7.21% Uttarakhand SDL (14/06/2027) 2.73%
7.61% Rajasthan SDL (29/03/2027) 2.08%
7.62% Uttar Pradesh SDL (15/02/2027) 2.07%
7.52% Tamilnadu SDL (24/05/2027) 2.07%
7.8% Chhattisgarh SDL (01/03/2027) 1.61%
8.34% Andhra Pradesh SDL (30/05/2027) 1.46%
8.05% Jammu And Kashmir SDL (15/03/2027) 1.40%
7.85% Bihar SDL (15/03/2027) 1.39%
7.61% Uttar Pradesh SDL (26/04/2027) 1.38%
7.59% Bihar SDL (15/02/2027) 1.38%
6.58% Gujarat SDL (31/03/2027) 1.34%
7.77% Kerala SDL (01/03/2027) 0.79%
7.64% West Bangal SDL (29/03/2027) 0.76%
7.61% Telangana SDL (12/06/2027) 0.69%
7.64% Kerala SDL (12/04/2027) 0.69%
7.46% Andhra Pradesh SDL (18/05/2027) 0.69%
7.6% Jharkhand SDL (12/06/2027) 0.28%
7.71% Gujarat SDL (01/03/2027) 0.14%
7.63% West Bengal SDL (15/02/2027) 0.03%
State Government Bond Total 97.03%
Cash & Other Receivables Total 2.97%
Total 100.00%

Growth of Rs. 10,000 invested at inception: 10,620

Returns (in%)
1 Yr SI
Scheme Benchmark*
Additional Benchmark**
NAV as on 31st August, 2023 ₹ 10.6203
Index Value (31st August, 2023) Index Value of benchmark is 1,075.59 and CRISIL 10 Year Gilt Index is 4,356.47
Allotment Date 30th March, 2022
Scheme Benchmark *Nifty SDL Jun 2027 Index
Additional Benchmark **CRISIL 10 Year Gilt Index

Fund manager : Mr. Mahendra Jajoo & Mr. Amit Modani managing the scheme since 30th March, 2022 & since 16th January, 2023 respectively
Note: Returns (%) for less than 1 year calculated on simple annualized basis, others are CAGR- Compounded Annualized Growth returns.

Past Performance may or may not be sustained in future.
Note : For computation of since inception returns (%) the allotment NAV has been taken as ₹ 10.00. The performance of other funds managed by the same fund manager is given in the respective page of the schemes
Different Plans under the scheme has different expense structure. The reference and details provided here in are of Regular Plan - Growth Option

This product is suitable for investors who are seeking*
. Income over long term
. Open ended Target Maturity Index Fund that seeks to track Nifty SDL Jun 2027 Index

*Investors should consult their financial advisers if they are not clear about the suitability of the product.

Average Maturity 3.64 Years
Modified Duration 3.06 Years
Macaulay Duration 3.17 Years
Annualized Portfolio YTM* 7.54%

*In case of semi annual YTM, it will be annualized.