Flexicap funds are diversified equity mutual fund schemes which can invest across various market cap segments. In a Flexicap fund, there is no upper or lower limits with respect to investing in any market cap segment. Any percentage of fund assets can be invested basis the view of the fund manager or the market outlook, in any market cap segment known as large cap, midcap and small cap. This is the primary reason why Flexicap mutual fund is one of the most popular mutual fund category as far as equity funds are concerned.
In summary Flexi cap fund meaning, funds which can invest across various market caps without any restriction.
As per the SEBI circular, Flexi-cap funds will have to have a minimum of 65% of their assets in equity and equity-related investments. There is no cap on how much these funds can or need to invest in large, mid, or small caps.
A stock’s market capitalization is derived from the market price of the stock X the number of shares outstanding. According to SEBI (Securities Exchange Board of India), stocks can be classified into 3 market capitalization segments – large cap (top 100 stocks by market capitalization), midcap (101st to 250th stocks by market capitalization) and small cap (251st onward stocks based on market capitalization).
We discussed what is Flexi cap mutual funds, let us now read why invest in?
One market cap segment cannot keep outperforming across all market conditions over the various investment cycles. Winners keep rotating based on the historical data available for different market cap segments during various investment cycles as you can see the chart below. Flexicap funds may generate better risk adjusted returns by rotating allocations to different market cap segments based on the fund manager’s outlook.
Source: National Stock Exchange, Advisorkhoj Research (as on 24th January 2023). Nifty 100 TRI represents large cap, Nifty Midcap 150 TRI represents midcap and Nifty Small Cap 250 TRI represents small cap stocks. Disclaimer: Past performance may or may be sustained in the future.
Drawdown | Event | Nifty 100 TRI (%) | Nifty Midcap 150 TRI (%) | Nifty Small Cap 250 TRI (%) |
Feb – Mar 2020 | COVID-19 1st Wave | -36.64 | -38.03 | -42.15 |
Aug 2015 – Feb 2016 | China Slowdown | -18.96 | -18.45 | -23.26 |
Jul – Dec 2011 | US Sovereign Rating downgrade | -20.86 | -27.13 | -29.62 |
Jan – Jun 2022 | Russia Ukraine War | -15.13 | -17.17 | -22.86 |
Jan – Sep 2013 | US Fed Taper Tantrum | -14.69 | -24.05 | -31.48 |
Aug – Oct 2018 | US China Trade War | -13.79 | -19.29 | -21.49 |
Oct – Dec 2016 | Demonetization | -10.17 | -14.58 | -15.77 |
Source: National Stock Exchange, Advisorkhoj Research (as on 31st December 2022). Nifty 100 TRI represents large cap, Nifty Midcap 150 TRI represents midcap and Nifty Small Cap 250 TRI represents small cap stocks. Disclaimer: Past performance may or may be sustained in the future.
We have read the benefits of Flexi Cap funds, let us now check who should invest in it?
Investors should consult with their mutual fund distributors/ financial advisors to know what is flexi cap mutual funds and if it is suitable for their investment needs basis their risk profile.
Mutual Fund investments are subject to market risks, read all scheme related documents carefully.