Asset allocation is a strategy to diversify your investment across different asset classes. Different asset classes like equity, fixed income, gold etc have different risk / return characteristics. By investing across different asset classes you can balance risk and return. Your asset allocation should be according to your risk profile and investment needs. Research shows that asset allocation is the most important performance attribution factors of portfolio returns.
Exchange Traded Funds or ETFs are passive funds which aim to replicate the performance of a market index like Sensex, Nifty etc. Unlike actively managed funds, ETFs do not aim to beat the market benchmark index. ETFs also replicate the price of commodities like Gold. ETFs are listed in stock exchanges and trade in exchanges just like shares of listed companies. You need to have demat and trading account with a stock broker to invest in ETFs. You can buy or sell ETFs in the stock exchange during market hours at prevailing market prices. You can also invest or redeem ETFs with the AMC in lot sizes specified by the AMC for the ETFs.
For information on one-time KYC (Know Your Customer) process, Registered Mutual Funds and procedure to lodge a complaint in case of any grievance Click here!
Mutual Fund investments are subject to market risks, read all scheme related documents carefully.